Platform Presentations (Presenter underlined)
U.J. Kim, K. Kannan, “Occurrence and Distribution of Organophosphate Flame Retardants/plasticizers in surface and drinking waters with implications for human exposure”, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Asia Pacific, 16-19 September 2018, Daegu
U.J. Kim, J.E. Oh, “Occurrence, Removal and Release of BFRs and their potential metabolites in wastewater shedding more highlights on dissolved phase behavior”, SETAC Asia Pacific, 16-19 September 2018, Daegu, Korea
U.J. Kim, H. Jo, G.J. Joo, J.E. Oh, “Aquatic partition, Fate & behavior of PBDEs and metabolites in the river; Speculated From Sediment, Water, Biota and SPMD”, 33rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants-Dioxin 2013, 25-30 August, 2013, Daegu, Korea
U.J. Kim, H.Y. Kim, D. Alvarez, I.S. Lee, J.E. Oh, “Passive water sampling scheme (SPMD) comparative study in the field for micro-hazardous pollutants”, The Korea Society for Environmental Analysis, 2012.11.22-24, Jeju, Korea (Presentation delivered in Korean)
U.J. Kim, H.Y. Kim, J.E. Oh, “Considerations to use SPMD as source monitoring tool for HOCs in the river water”, SETAC Asia Pacific, 23-27 September 2012, Kumamoto, Japan
U.J. Kim, S.H. O, H.Y. Kim, H.B. Moon, S.D. Choi, J.E. Oh, “Spatial and Phase Distribution of PCBs, PBDEs and Their Metabolites in Air and Soil, Korea”, SETAC North America, 13-17 November 2011, Boston, MA
U.J. Kim, H.Y. Kim, I.S. Lee, J.E. Oh “PWSDs-YES application as estrogenic chemicals screening and monitoring tool for STP effluents”, SETAC Europe, 15-19 May 2011, Milan, Italy
Poster Presentations (Presenter underlined)
U.J. Kim, K. Kannan, “Development of analytical method and determination of iodide in dried blood spots from newborn babies by LC/MS/MS”, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Asia Pacific, 16-19 September 2018, Daegu, Korea
U.J. Kim, Y. Wang, W. Li, K. Kannan, “Environmental occurrence of OPFRs/plasticizers in indoor air and derived human exposure”, SETAC Asia Pacific, 16-19 September 2018, Daegu, Korea
J. Lee, W.J. Yu, J.S. Jeong, K. Lee, S.J. Choi, S.H. Lee, U.J. Kim, S.Y. Kim, “Inhalation Developmental Toxicity of Methylchloroisothiazolinone (CMIT) and Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) Mixture in Rats”, European Teratology Society, 10-13 September 2018, Berlin, Germany
A. Ghassabian, E.M. Bell, E. Yeung, U.J. Kim, G.B. Louis, L. Trasande, K. Kannan, "Analysis of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Deciduous Teeth", International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) Conference, 26-30 August 2018, Ottawa, Canada
U.J. Kim, J.K. Oh, K. Kannan, “Occurrence, Removal and Environmental Emission of organophosphate flame retardants in a WWTP”, SETAC North America, 12-16 November 2017, Minneapolis
U.J. Kim, K. Kannan, “Occurrence of organophosphate flame retardants in surface and drinking waters from New York State”, SETAC North America, 12-16 November 2017, Minneapolis, MN
U.J. Kim, H. Jo, G.J. Joo, J.E. Oh, “Bioaccumulation, transformation & magnification possibility of PBDEs, OH- and MeO-BDEs in freshwater”, SETAC Europe, 11-15 May 2014, Basel, Switzerland
U.J. Kim, G.J. Joo, J.E. Oh, “Occurrence and fate of PBDEs and metabolites in the aquatic environment”, 13th Asia Pacific Symposium on Microscale Separation and Analysis 30th Symposium on Environmental Analysis 7th Asia Pacific Symposium on Ion Analysis, 03-06 November 2013, Jeju, Korea
U.J. Kim, Y.H. Hong, D.H. Lee, W.J. Sim, J.E. Oh, “PBDEs, HBCDs, TBBPA in infant-mother paired serum: Focusing on investigating impact on thyroid hormone, relative proportion and relationship with environmental factors”, Sixth International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants, 07-10 April 2013, San Francisco, CA
U.J. Kim, W.J. Sim, J.E. Oh, “POPs like brominated flame retardants in Human paired blood focused on estimating the impacts of HBEDs and TBBPA on Human thyroid”, 32nd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants-Dioxin 2012, 26-31 August 2012, Cairns, Australia
U.J. Kim, H.Y. Kim, N.E. Kemble, C.G. Ingersoll, J.E. Oh, “Interpretation of toxicity test of PCDD/F, PBDEs and heavy metals with considering chemical concentration in Nakdong river basin sediment”, Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology (KOSEHT),10 May 2012, Seoul, Korea
U.J. Kim, Y.H. Hong, W.J. Sim, D.H. Lee, J.E. Oh, “Assessment of impact of alternative BFRs (HBCD, TBBPA) exposure to human thyroid” KOSEHT, 13-14 October 2011, Kangwon-do, Korea
U.J. Kim, W.J. Sim, Y.H. Hong, D.H. Lee, J.E. Oh, "Monitoring of Brominated Flame Retardants in Blood Pair Serum, Korea-Focused to Compare Between Normal and Metabolic Diseased Group”, 31st International Symposium on Halogenated POPs-Dioxin, 21-25 August 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Environmental Chemistry Lab | Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences | UTA | contact email: (envichem.kim2020@gmail.com) © 2020